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Monday, August 24, 2020
Global Warming Essay Example for Free
A worldwide temperature alteration Essay Globalization †a procedure of coordination among nations is occurring as another pattern of the world. The participation among people and gatherings bring back numerous odds just as difficulties in various fields. As understudies in the period of joining, it is feasible for us to acknowledge the two sides of this pattern. As a matter of first importance, it can not be denied that understudies can get numerous points of interest from globalization. On account of the collaboration in training, various nations share new innovation that help instructing and learning with one another. Understudies are the destinations who can get profits by it. They are permitted to investigate new wellsprings of information through Internet and other training material, for example, video conferencing, tape chronicles, and so forth. Consequently, they find that considering isn't exceptionally troublesome as they might suspect, even it is all the more intriguing. Plus, globalization guarantees them an a lot more promising time to come. Understudies have more opportunities to gain admittance to new abilities, for example, introduction aptitude, expertise to work with a group, etc, which are entirely important for their future profession. What's more, the collaboration among nations makes a colossal market with an a lot of selections of occupations. Consequently, the alumni have more choices to pick which employment is the best and the most reasonable for them. Oblige numerous preferences, understudies despite everything need to look up with different troubles. As being referenced above, present day technique for educating and learning are large favorable circumstances for understudies yet they may become snags when they are not entirely reasonable and it must require some investment to acclimate. For instance, in numerous Asian nations, among which has Viet Nam, the component of training is instructor †focused. At the point when this progressions into student †focused which requires quite a bit of individuals’ duties. From the outset, understudies who used to rely much upon their instructors get stunned and fell it hard to concentrate with this new strategy. It might be an issue. What’s increasingly, money related issue is another. Under the effect of globalization, there has been a pattern for the move for instruction to be decreased. Government needs to burn through cash on various regions so they don't pay as much attentionâ as previously. Thus, the money related weight is put on students’ shoulders and their families. All in all, globalization just as other wonder has the two sides: great and terrible. All the effect of this has consequences for understudies. Understudies get numerous favorable circumstances yet in addition inconveniences. They ought to know about this issue cautiously with the goal that they can transform difficulties into chances which will bolster their concentrating just as their future.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Arthur Miller’s †The Crucible Essay
In 1953 Arthur Miller composed a play entitled The Crucible, by composing this he intended to challenge the suppositions of US society and drove individuals to scrutinize every others duties. In the 1950’s congressperson Joe McCarthy began to misuse the US fears of socialism and sorted out a witch chase. Mill operator would have considered this to be like the Holocaust as in individuals were by and large wrongly blamed for being witches when they were definitely not. Arthur was a Jew thus would have had compassion for these individuals and this in my eyes was one of the key factors in the composition of this play. During the seventeenth century there was an episode in the conviction of black magic in Europe. This prompted mass movement from Europe to America; the foreigners were Puritans thus set up their own severe Christian people group. This is the means by which Salem, Massachusetts appeared. Miller’s characters pass on my point through their difference in character from Act I through to Act IV. There are various kinds of progress all through the play, for example, change in character, convictions and steadfastness and these all happen sooner or later in the play to various characters. Delegate, a rancher, goes from a nearby, very much regarded man to a man blamed for being in contact with the Devil. Abigail changes from sweet and excellent to malignant and underhanded. Solidness then again is become tied up with the play as a black magic ‘expert’, he winds up battling with this specific case thus changes into a slight, old and powerless man. Putnam is a lot of like Proctor and his story all through the play is a lot of the equivalent and at last finishes in death. The first run through Putnam is referenced he is supposed to be ‘vindictive’, which means he is shrewd and noxious. In any case, there is a purpose behind this nature of his; Miller says that Thomas Putnam is a man ‘with numerous grievances’. This statement alone says that his pernicious nature comes after a specific occasion in his life, this being James Bailey (his child in law) had been turned down as priest of Salem. In any case, this progressions totally as the allegations of black magic come out from the woodwork, rather than being scarred by this complaint he goes to his controlling self. During Act I the Putnam family cry black magic on a specific Rebecca Nurse; this is all Thomas Putnam’s change sense of self. The Nurses were the ones who eventually kept James Bailey from getting to work in Salem and for Putnam, darkening the Nurse name would clearly open the entryway for Bailey to become pastor of Salem. Thus, toward the beginning of the play Putnam is depicted as the informer, and as it should be. In any case, as we go on through the play we see Putnam’s character change to some degree quickly from the informer to the denounced. This is demonstrated right when in Act III Danforth says, ‘Mr Putnam, I have here an allegation by Mr Corey against you.’ This allegation alone shows how Putnam’s character has changed from one extraordinary to the next; he has gone from informer to the blamed. This point of view toward Thomas Putnam goes some way or another to portraying how the entire trial in Salem has changed everybody and is greater now than at any other time. This stuns the crowd as it shows that this entire trial in Salem is changing even the most decent of men. The following character we see is Reverend Hale; he is gotten by Parris as an ace of the otherworldly expressions, black magic. We are first acquainted with Hale as, ‘Mr Hale is approaching forty, a tight-cleaned, excited peered toward intellectual’. This makes the crowd think straight away that Hale is an all around regarded and accomplished person who is very disdain with his activity, to the degree he really appreciates it. Mill operator portrayed Hale as somebody who, ‘†¦felt the pride†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. This shows Hale invested heavily in the reality he was looked for after and great at his specific employment, and an authority in such territories. Along these lines, from how Miller portrays Hale we see his readiness to be associated with this court and anxious to flaunt his capacity, as this improves his confidence.. So it is anything but difficult to accept that Hale would be a nonentity for the further Acts in the play, this is consistent with some degree, until Act III where Hale at last loses his head; he understands how much this case has influenced Salem and its residents, ‘I revile these procedures, I quit this court’. This statement itself tells the crowd how much the circumstance in Salem has exploded into something that never ought to have been. How it has all prodded from one allegation to a further ten, at that point toward the end, more than one hundred. It shows the crowd how the circumstance has influenced such a significant number of individuals and that Hale is the first to understand this. He, therefore, stops the court, this offering proof to the explanation that Hale’s character has totally changed. From the start he needs to be included (the saint) and invest heavily in his work. However, presently, n Act III he gets as distant from the case as could reasonably be expected, it shows how the circumstance is evolving individuals, and all the more so how it has changed Reverend Hale. Sound is currently depicted as a feeble, flattened individual, ailing in character. He goes from solid to delicate and flattened. The crowd watching this would feel confounded at seeing this extreme change in this heavenly good figure. Possibly the most significant diplomat for change in The Crucible is John Proctor. We are first acquainted with him during Act I, Miller portrays John Proctor as, ‘†¦a rancher in his center thirties. He need not have been a divided of any group in the town’
Friday, July 17, 2020
If You Have Bad Credit, There Arent Grants That Can Help You
If You Have Bad Credit, There Arent Grants That Can Help You If You Have Bad Credit, There Arent Grants That Can Help You If You Have Bad Credit, There Arent Grants That Can Help YouWhile the government does have grant programs aimed at helping people in need, they arent the kind of thing that you can just apply for directly.Loans are a necessary part of modern-day life. Without them, most people wouldn’t be able to afford any large purchases like houses, cars, or even furniture and other major appliances. Being able to put down a little money now and pay something off over time in exchange for some interest allows folks to live better than they otherwise could.But when you have bad credit, getting a personal loan can be tough. Real tough. And borrowing from a traditional lender, like a bank, is pretty much impossible. While there are many safe, responsible bad credit loans available, there are also tons of dangerous predatory loans that will trap you in a never-ending cycle of debt.if you’ve seen ads promising a government grant for someone with bad credit, you might think this is the answer to you r problems. But it’s not. While there are grants designed to help people with low incomes, they aren’t something where you can simply go online, fill out a form, and expect a deposit in your bank account. More likely than not, the ad you’re seeing is a scam.How is a grant different from a loan?The main difference between loans and grants is simple: Loans have to be repaid, while grants do not. When you take out a loan, you are borrowing money. The institution that lent it to you is expecting you to pay them back, plus interest. When you take out a grant, the institution is giving you money for a specific purpose. No repayment required.Both loans and grants can be made to individuals or organizations. Loans typically come from banks or lenders, while grants can come from a variety of sources, like schools, non-profits, individuals, and trusts. The federal government also doles out tons of both, as do state governments.Because grants don’t have to be repaid, you’ll see peopl e refer to them as “free money.†And you know what? That’s true! When you take out a loan, you’re not getting free money. You’re paying interest so that the lender can reduce their risk and turn a profit. With a grant, you’re not paying any extra costs. However, the term “free money†gets used a bit too … freely.Most federal grants go to businesses and states, not people.This is the biggest reason why you can’t just go get a grant to help stabilize your finances. The Federal government does provide financial aid resources to help people in need, but they do so by dispersing money to nonprofit organizations and state or local governments. Even federal benefits like Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP (also known as “food stampsâ€) are administered through individual states.One of the major exceptions to this rule is if you’re in an area that’s been hit by a natural disaster. In cases like that, you should be able to apply directly to the feder al government for assistance. You can learn more by visiting it comes to lending, the government usually insures or helps private lenders arrange loans rather than lending money to individuals itself. The government’s involvement helps people qualify for loans who would not otherwise be able to. For instance, you might be able to qualify for an FHA mortgage loan, which is insured by the government and come with lower capital requirements.If eligible, you should apply for government benefits.If you’re going to get a grant from the government, it is likely going to be in the form of public assistance, and it’s probably going to be administered by your state or local government. Government programs you might qualify for include SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Additional programs are available for US Veterans.Eligibility will vary depending on age, location, and income. Meanwhile, just because you are eligible for a government program does not mean that you will be accepted, so don’t limit your search to these larger federal programs. You should also check out local government programs in your city, state, or county, as well as grants that are offered by local non-profits and aid organizations.Programs like these are not what most people are thinking of when they think “I need a grant†but they are the closest thing that you’ll find. And if someone comes along offering you something better, it’s most likely a scam.Beware of “government grant†or “free money†offers.Con artists love dangling promises of free money to entice potential victims. If you get an email in your inbox promising an easy “government grant†or someone calls you with a fantastic sounding pitch for “free money,†they are a scammer. You are being scammed.The jerks who run these scams are likely looking to do one of two things . They either want you to pay some kind of upfront fee, after which they disappear, or they want to get your personal/financial infoâ€"stuff like your bank account and social security numbersâ€"at which point they’ll steal your identity. Either way, their only goal is to screw you over!If you receive an email promising free money or a government grant, delete it. Don’t even open it, and certainly don’t click on any links it contains. Doing so will open you up to a phishing scheme, where scammers steal your online ids and logins.And if you receive a phone call from someone making similar promises, just hang up on them. Whatever you do, refrain from giving them any personal information over the phone. Even if they pinky swear that they’re from a legitimate government branch, ask them for all their relevant business and contact info. That’ll make them get off the line right quick.If you have bad credit and need money, there are other options.When you have a credit score below 630 and you have an unexpected expense, like a car repair or a medical bill, you’re going to be in a tough spot. Building up an emergency fund is the best way to handle situations like these, but that’s more a long-term play. If you need money, and need it now, your options will be limitedâ€"especially since a “government grant†won’t be on the table.Borrowing money from your family can be a good way to goâ€"even if it might mean swallowing your prideâ€"but lots of people don’t have that option. You can also try pawning some of your valuable, but the trouble with pawn shop is that you’ll probably only receive a fraction of what your item is worth. In many cases, the sentimental value will be much higher than what you can get for it.Putting the bill on your credit card isn’t great, but it’s much better than settling for a high-cost no credit check loan. Short-term “cash advance†products like payday loans and title loans can all too easily lead to a predatory c ycle of debt. You don’t want that, trust us. The right installment loan, one with affordable payments, is likely a much better option.No matter what kind of loan you end up taking out, make sure you do your research. Borrowing money means being on the hook for repayment, and there could be dire consequences for your credit score if you default on your loan agreement. Sure, a grant would be far preferable to loan but, for all their faults, bad credit loans have a big leg-up on bad credit grants: They actually exist.To learn more tips about living with a bad credit score, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Yes, You Can Get Fired For Having Bad CreditHow Bad Credit Can Affect Your UtilitiesCan Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment?Has someone ever tried to scam you with a fake grant offer? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
How Graduate Admission Committees Evaluate Applications
Graduate programs receive dozens or even hundreds of applications and many are from students with stellar qualifications. Can admissions committees and departments really draw distinctions among hundreds of applicants? A competitive program that receives a large number of applications, such as a doctoral program in clinical psychology, may receive up to 500 applications. Admissions committees for competitive graduate programs break the review process into several steps. First Step: Screening Does the applicant meet the minimum requirements? Standardized test scores? GPA? Relevant experience? Is the application complete, including admissions essays and recommendation letters? The purpose of this initial review is to ruthlessly weed out applicants. Second Step: First Pass Graduate programs vary, but many competitive programs send batches of applications to faculty for an initial review. Each faculty member may review a set of applications and identify those with promise. Third Step: Batch Review In the next step batches of applications are sent to two to three faculty. At this stage, applications are evaluated with regard to motivation, experience, documentation (essays, letters), and overall promise. Depending on the size of the program and applicant pool the resulting set of applicants is reviewed by a larger set of faculty, or interviewed, or accepted (some programs do not conduct interviews). Fourth Step: Interview Interviews may be conducted by phone or in-person. Applicants are evaluated with regard to their academic promise, thinking and problem-solving skills, and social competence. Both faculty and graduate students evaluate applicants. Final Step: Post Interview and Decision Faculty meet, gather evaluations, and make admissions decisions. The specific process varies depending on the size of the program and number of applicants. Whats the takeaway message? Make sure that your application is complete. If youre missing a recommendation letter, essay, or transcript, your application will not make it through the initial screening.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Transition to Democracy Essay - 2068 Words
Since the initiation of the Third Wave of Democracy, several countries have attempted to form a democratic system of governs. We take note that not all have succeeded. At the dawn of this era, democracy was being applied to countries with no prior history of a governing body that was place by the people for the people hence success of such a system could not be guaranteed because of the innumerous variables that existed in each country. People being the highlighted factor of variance, it may become easier to understand how countries such as Pakistan and Nigeria, both countries prior to the Wave had no local governing machinery. Pakistan further endured a partition from India which resulted in not only an instant religious and†¦show more content†¦The Spanish citizens were not always necessarily tormented by tyrants, whose political ideologies only reflected what benefited themselves. From 1931- 1936 , the second republic was formed in Spain where they established a free dem ocratic setting and For the first time a major breakthrough was made in regional autonomy, indispensable for the development of a stable modern democracy in Spain 1. Spain currently is a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. Its branch of powers is separated in to two, where the executive power lies with the government and the legislative power is delegated to the Spanish parliament. Due to this structure it is very arduous for political figures in states and governments to abuse their power. The executive power in Spain is given to the Council of Ministers, which is led by the Spanish prime minister. The Prime Minister is initially nominated by the king where after he is required to obtain the vote of the lower house of parliament, and finally the king appoints the prime minister. Spain’s legislature is elected directly. The Spanish legislature branch consists of the congress of deputies and the senate whom serve for a period no more than 4 years. The senate is elected through bloc voting at a provincial level. The congress on the other hand is similar yet different, as it is at a provincial level as well. Two members are allocated for each province; the number ofShow MoreRelatedTransition To Democracy1149 Words  | 5 PagesBrazil’s transition to democracy was long and drawn out, with effects of the old regime lasting through the twentieth century. Even today, Brazil has difficulty remaining a fully consolidated democracy, as lasting economic and social issues from the authoritarian regime ignite issues within the country. Rampant political corruption, economic instability, and shaky social inclusion characterize Brazil’s democratic development, and social unrest ignited political change in the years leading up to theRead MoreForeign Policy : The Transition Of Democracy1039 Words  | 5 Pagesthe world that is equitable. This essay will discuss the transition to democracy and how the different heads have contributed to foreign policy since 1994 using the state and individual levels of analysis. This will be done with the following headings; heads of government contribution during the transition of democracy including individual level and state level of analysis. 2. Heads of governments contribution during the transition of democracy: 2.1. Individual level of analysis: At an individual levelRead MoreTransitions to Democracy and Democratic Consolidation2291 Words  | 10 PagesTransitions to democracy have been explained in various ways. Modernization for instance, is one theoretical approach to explain why countries democratize. Additionally, social and cultural factors have also explained democratization, as well as, international factors. It becomes deductive to attribute democratization to any one single theory as modernization works with social and cultural factors that are also impacted by international factors. It appears as if they all contribute in one way orRead MoreMalaysia s Transition Into Democracy2255 Words  | 10 Pagesdeveloped democracy from blooming fully and staying true in the future. Their Civil Society still battles being constantly repressed by their government along with ethnic conflict, and even their media outlets are still highly controlled by the government. The only way that Malaysia may be able to stay true to d emocracy is if a political change in culture occurs and has the mass support of its people to want to change their country’s ways. This essay analyzes Malaysia’s tricky transition into democracyRead MoreWhat Changes Did The Transition Of A Democracy?931 Words  | 4 Pagesfighting for a democracy; however, it takes more than that. Like the saying,â€Å"Actions speak louder than words,†Suu Kyi needs to realize that words alone do not have such a big impact on people. It is great that the people are more educated and know that unification would provide a better outcome. It is important to implement new policies and new laws. Any forms of political transition in Burma are inevitable. The question is when and how. The longer it takes for the political transition to start, theRead MoreThe South Africa s Transition Into Democracy Essay1453 Words  | 6 Pagesdevelopment initiatives. At this stage, the core focus of the Kagiso Trust was on â€Å"building partne rships and collaborations to strengthen the implementation capacity of people and organisations in development†[1]. 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The arrival of authoritarianRead More The Preconditions of Social Identity of a Small State in Transition to Democracy3315 Words  | 14 PagesThe Preconditions of Social Identity of a Small State in Transition to Democracy ABSTRACT: The definition of social identity consists of two parts. First, it means protection against threats to the nation’s existence and well-being. Second, it means the search for measures and possibilities to achieve the goals of social development and improvement. Social identity implies the creation and preservation of conditions in which each citizen can develop as educated, creative and responsible personsRead MoreThe Core Assumptions Of The Transitional Paradigm1425 Words  | 6 PagesThe â€Å"transition paradigm†was considered to be a trend in seven different regions barring North America and Oceania that changed the political landscape of the world. It was an instantaneous shift from authoritarian or totalitarian regime toward more liberal and democratic form of governance. Consequentially, there was a global democratic trend in the last quarter of the twentieth century, and courtesy of American political scientist, Samuel Huntington, this trend was wid ely recognized as the â€Å"third
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Free Essays
Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Advantages: * The first and the most important advantages of group work is that it increases the total productivity. You can use the very best of every member of the group and thus have quality output. The best skills of every member of the group are utilized to the maximum, and thus there is no compromise on the productivity when you are working as a group. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork or any similar topic only for you Order Now This advantage would undoubtedly come first in the list of advantages and disadvantages of working in groups. The more members you have in a group, the more resources you have at the end of the day. This means you can meet more ends with these resources. Another way to look at it is that as the number of people go on increasing, the knowledge of the team also increases. All these people bring in their very own experience which adds to that of the group. This means, at the end of the day, the group has more knowledge, more experience and more resources. The assets of the company just increase in this way. * When you give a particular project to a group for completion, you also give them a deadline. When there are more number of people working in a group, you naturally intend to trust that group more as they have the manpower. If a few of the members are absent or not coming to work, the rest can still finish the project. Groups are bound to land up with more projects as they can develop more number of plans and more options for one particular problem. In the end, you are more in profit if you work in a group. * When you work alone, you are automatically biased towards someone or something. You are human and this is bound to happen from the best of managers. However, when you work in group, you reduce that bias considerably. While working in a group, you need to tell everyone why you are taking a particular decision. Once you tell the entire group about your decision, even they have to agree to it so that you can execute it. This way, you tend to think in a more professional way, which works better for you! Disadvantages: * One of the greatest drawbacks of working in a team is that there is no freedom of doing as you wish. How much ever you prove your point and the rationality of applying your decision, it won’t be agreed upon if the other members in the group disagree on it. Every action of yours needs approval from everyone else in the group. This becomes a bit time-consuming. Another problem is that working in a group is bound to give rise to ‘groupism’, which might add to the negativity in the working atmosphere and hamper the quality of work, not the quantity. * Another important mention in all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups is the time factor one needs to evaluate all the members of the group. Most organizations look at the overall output and don’t look into the details if the work is presented as they wanted it. However, at such times, they don’t realize that some employees have hardly put in any effort and some have done maximum work. There are many escape routes while working in a group. Judging the productivity of every employee doesn’t only take time but is sometimes, impossible if there are no records. * When you work in a group and achieve more than the productivity required, you are bound to get some rewards. Sometimes, these rewards are equal for all while at times, they aren’t. Suppose there is only promotion available, who will get it? It is very difficult to measure the work done by every employee in comparison to others. This means that the possibility of unequal credit cannot be denied. Increments will vary for everyone in the group and this might add to the inequality. If ‘A’ has done 10 things and ‘B’ has done 100, B will be rewarded more in normal circumstances. Very few will take the efforts and check who has actually given more revenue. * While working in a group, many people develop a competitive attitude or approach towards their work. They are constantly trying to work ‘more’ than the others. What they should actually focus on is working ‘better’ than the others. This kind of attitude reduces the quality in the overall productivity and thus the objective of working as a team is lost. If you work in a creative field, this attitude will reduce the creativity to a great extent. Losing the focus is easy when all you are worried about is winning the race. Instead of competing with other groups members, people should compete with their own self to give a better output as an individual, and eventually as a team. * These were all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups, that are not only mportant from the knowledge perspective but also because you need to find solutions to all the disadvantages. The benefits of working in groups undoubtedly weigh more than the disadvantages of group working. You need to focus more on the advantages of group work to gain maximum, quality output, efficiently. Thus, working together in groups and teams is more beneficial f or a company or for a project in school even. Continue doing the same! By Neha Joshi Last Updated: 9/27/2011 Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-working-in-groups. html How to cite Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Nike Debate Essay Example
Nike Debate Essay Case: Nike: The Sweatshop Debate 1. Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own, but where subcontractors make products for Nike? Yes, Nike is not only responsible but also accountable for the working conditions of foreign countries that it does not own. Nike should realize that it is a Global Organization and working globally does not only mean that taking advantage of low cost destination but also taking responsibility of the contractors/employees working in other countries. For example: Pepsi was recently in the news for allegations of having pesticides in the cold drink in India. Pepsi ensured that it has same standard of water purification across the world and not just meeting standards in the Indian Market. Similarly, Pepsi should realize that while they are getting cheap labor in low-cost destinations but at the same time they need to be socially responsible to ensure that the workers get minimum wages and work in conditions that are acceptable in respective countries. 2. What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, or those prevailing in the United States? There need to be combination of standards for Nike. If Nike follows only the standards (wage rates) prevailing in Unites States, it might not be able to enjoy the cost advantages that they are realizing by off shoring manufacturing of shoes. However, if Nike adopts the standards prevailing in the country of manufacturing then it is not able to comply with some of the Human Rights related issues that global organizations should comply with. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Debate specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Debate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Debate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hence, it is very important that Nike designs a combination of standards that ensures that workers get at least the minimum wages in the respective country but the working conditions should be acceptable enough for workers to work and the minimum age limit of workers should also be enforced strictly. 3. An income of $2. 28 a day, the base pay of Nike Factory workers in Indonesia, is double the daily income of about half the working population. Half of all adults in Indonesia are farmers, who receive less than $1 a day. Given this, is it correct to criticize Nike for the low pay rates of its subcontractors in Indonesia? The daily wage rate in different countries is fixed by the labor laws in that country. The daily wage rate also differs by the skill of workers, type of city the worker lives/works in and the prices of essential commodities in the city/state. Hence, the daily wage of workers in factories manufacturing Nike shoes may be higher than farmers in the same city/state. If Nike’s contractors are not abiding the minimum wages for the type of skill and working conditions in which these workers work in, then Nike need to be criticized. If Nike’s contractors abide by the minimum wages set by a class of workers depending upon their skill and working conditions, then Nike cannot be criticized and comparing wages of one set of workers with another set of workers like farmers may not be correct. 4. Could Nike have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better? What might it have done differently, not just from a public relations perspective, but also from a policy perspective? Nike could have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better from a policy perspective. Nike could have enforced norms for all the contractors, who are manufacturing either shoes or apparels for Nike across countries, to abide by the local rules and also created some new norms that would apply to all the factories that manufacture Nike’s products. Nike should have published the names of all the contractors across countries abiding by the local working conditions and wages. They should have also requested the local labor inspectors in different countries to do an audit of their factories on a regular basis to ensure that contractors comply with the local laws in their respective countries. 5. Do you think Nike needs to make any changes to its current policy? If so what? Should Nike make changes even if they hinder the ability of the company to compete? Nike needs to ensure that all the contractors comply with the wages and local working conditions in respective countries. Nike can do this either by appointing a labor inspector in each of the factories for all the contractors and asking them to report the details of all the workers working in their respective factories and this report need to be reviewed by legal experts at the country level and worldwide level to ensure that all the laws are in compliance by contractors of Nike. Any non-compliance should be considered seriously and serious actions should be taken against all such contractors, which might result in termination of contracts with such factories. In fact, Nike should go ahead and open schools for children of workers working in their factories across different countries to take care of the developments of its workers across the globe. Nike should make such changes even if this means termination of contracts with non-compliance factories or more expenses for development of workers in factories. This is because all organizations in today’s world affect the society and hence they need to be sensitive towards the conditions of the employees and the society. Thus, Nike should engage in Cause Related Marketing (CRM) by ensuring that working conditions are made better in all the factories and also ensuring that developments of workers happen so that they are not devoid of good working conditions, food and respectable wages. 6. Is the WRC right to argue that the FLA is a tool of industry? WRC has claimed that FLA is tool of the industry as they found certain evidence, which were not being followed in Nike’s factories. It may be possible but WRC should provide some time to FLA to ensure that all the factories of Nike are compliant with the local labor laws in respective countries. WRC should audit some of the factories which FLA has declared as compliant with local labor laws to ensure that it is not a tool of the industry. The change management across all the factories of Nike for ensuring compliance will take some time and hence WRC need to ensure that FLA does its job of creating compliance in a foolproof manner. 7. If sweatshops are a global problem, what might be a global solution to this problem? Sweatshops are a global problem as organizations have started working in a global environment. The Organizations need to be sensitive to the laws of different countries and also accountable toward the workers / employees / contractors of low cost destinations to ensure that they work in better working conditions and abide by the rules and regulations of countries in which they operate in. b. Next summarize the strategic and operational challenges facing global managers illustrated in your selected case. Also comment on recent global developments affecting the company in this case. Strategic Challenges †¢ Identifying low cost destinations for ensuring cost efficiencies †¢ Ensuring synergy of product specifications across different manufacturing locations †¢ Ensuring consistent quality across manufacturing locations Operational Challenges †¢ Ensuring consistent wages across different manufacturing locations across countries †¢ Ensuring similar working conditions across different manufacturing locations across countries †¢ Ensuring development of employees across regions
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