Monday, December 23, 2019

The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on America The...

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America divided two nations, yet knit one closer like the attacks on Pearl Harbor. There were many events that lead up to 9/11 that were only the beginning. The attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 was the finale. George Bush wrote in his diary, â€Å"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century happened today†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (George Bush). This attack was a surprise, just like Pearl Harbor, but the U.S. reacted swiftly and effectively. The appalling events Now, more than a decade later, the 9/11 attacks still affect our life today. Before the 9/11 attacks, there were bad vibes between the U.S. and the Middle East. There were multiple attacks on the U.S. and its allies overseas. There was even a bombing that†¦show more content†¦Because of the distance of travel, the planes were Boeing 757s and 767s, which are larger aircrafts. This meant that they had larger fuel capacities, so when they crashed, the fuel burned extremely hot. This at tributed to the collapsing of the World Trade Centers. After looking at the passenger list and seating chart for all four flights, all of the hijackers had seats in the first class or business cabins (9/11 Memorial). This made taking over the cockpit easier. Also, the fact that they had knives made it even easier. Along with the courage of the passengers on Flight 93, the flight attendants had courage and didn’t fear consequences of their actions. One very distinguished flight attendant was Betty Ong, who was on American Airlines flight 11. She contacted American Airlines and stayed calm on the phone for 25 minutes, until she was disconnected abruptly. About one minute later, AA 11 crashed into World Trade Center Building 1 (Global Issues in Context). She helped everyone who wasn’t on the plane understand what was going on, because there had never a hijacking like this before. This is how we know most of our information about what happened on September 11th. Without he r help, countless more people could have died on that horrid day. Three other planes crashed with terrorists in the cockpit that day. The terrorist on those flights followed similar procedures during their hijacking. They used knives, and in one case, a box cutter to take control of theShow MoreRelated`` The Birds Of The South ``1585 Words   |  7 PagesUNDER THE GUILLOTINE OF IDEOLOGY: POST SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 ARABIC NOVELS (A STUDY IN AMANI ABU AL-FADHL’S THE BIRDS OF THE SOUTH†) Hassan Jalal Abdullah Weshah Lecturer, Dept. of English, Hajjah University, Yemen Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Centre for Higher Learning Advanced Research,Aurangabad. M.A. English, II Year *ABSTRACT* This paper deals with the ideological nature that dominates the thematic structure of the contemporary Arabic novel which is the natural reaction toRead MorePersonal Changes Since 9/111135 Words   |  5 Pagesfeeling is now gone. 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